Our Adoption
Due to the costs that come with running the rescue like heating costs, medical costs and feeding costs our adoption service is not free. Our adoption minimum donations are not for the animal and us for our services as a animal shelter and rescue. No money is exchanged for the animal itself.
Our Adoption Process
Our Adoption Process

Step 1 - View our rescues.
Come and view our rescues or view them online, once you have found the one go to step two.
Step 2 - Reserve an animal.
We will take a small £10 Minimum Donation to reserve the animal in your name. This lasts for 1 week, if you need more weeks it is £10 a week.
Step 3 - Complete the adoption form.
After reserving your chosen animal, please complete the Adoption Form you can access via our Adoptions menu.
Step 4 - Vetting.
We need to make sure the animal you choose is suitable for you, and to make sure you have the correct setup. If purchasing a setup from our Pet Shop we do not need to vet the enclosure just you and the rest of the family if needed.
Step 5 - Collect your new family member.
Book your collection and take your new family memeber home.
Our Fees
Find out everything you need to know about our fees.
Reserve Fee
Weekly Minimum Donation
Per Week The Animal Is Still In Our Care
- Animal is reserved in your name!
- Each minimum £10 Donation ensures the animal is reserved for 1 week.
- If payments stop, we will take the reservation off 3 days after payment is due and this means someone else can now apply for adoption on that animal.
This is to stop misuse of our reservation system as people would commit to adoption then after weeks of no reply we would have people say they can't. We understand circumstances can change, but it cost to keep the animal in our care while awaiting completion of the adoption. Due to this we charge a mandatory minimum donation of £10 a week until the animal is taken home.
Adoption Fee
Minimum Donation
Minimum Adoption Fees are dependant on the species of animal and it's care while with us.
Please visit our adoption fee page for a list of fees. Click link at the bottom of this box.
Per Adoption
- Adoption Certificate
- Care Sheet
- 2 Week After Check
Please remember that each animal costs a lot to rehabilitate and rehome an animal costing up to £25 per animal per day. All extra donations go towards the keep and well-being of our animals.
What You Get When Adopting With Us